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The website is the website of the company "S&K CONSULTING GROUP MON. IKE" and its distinctive title "S&K CONSULTING GROUP", (hereinafter referred to as the "company") and is located in Piraeus at 81 Akti Miaouli Street, with a contact telephone number 215 7777 100 and an e-mail address


The provision of services by "S&K CONSULTING GROUP MON. IKE" is governed by Greek law. These Terms of Use constitute the Terms and Conditions under which we provide all material published on this Website and may be amended from time to time.


The user is kindly requested to read the terms carefully and in case he/she does not agree with them, not to use the content of the Website. Continued use, even after modification of the terms and conditions of use, indicates consent to these terms. If a user does not agree with these terms and conditions, he/she must refrain from using the website and the information contained therein.


This website is provided by "S&K CONSULTING GROUP MON. IKE"" as such and is intended to provide general information about the Company and the areas in which it specializes. The material contained herein has been prepared by "S&K CONSULTING GROUP MON. IKE" for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, financial or other advice of any kind. The Website does not provide in any way, professionally or remunerated, legal, financial and other advice. It presents legal, economic, insurance  (in the broad sense) current affairs and merely expresses opinions on various matters of legal, economic, insurance (in the broad sense) interest that arise. The participation of visitors and the informative electronic services of the Website are provided free of charge. Remunerated advice and consultancy services are provided only in writing and subject to the necessary condition that a contract of mandate has been concluded with the client.




All intellectual and industrial property rights contained in or resulting from the website and its content belong exclusively to "S&K CONSULTING GROUP MON. IKE". No reproduction, use, modification, copying and distribution of the Content is permitted in any way without our prior written consent. You may not use in any way the trademarks and other distinctive signs of "S&K CONSULTING GROUP MON. IKE" without our prior express consent. You may not use or permit the use of the Content for any unlawful purpose or use the Content in a manner that would damage our or our company's reputation. Unauthorized or prohibited use of the Content will result in civil and criminal liability under Greek law.




The use/visiting the Website implies the unconditional acceptance of the terms of use described herein. Navigating and staying on the Website, archiving/cataloging it constitutes an active acceptance of the terms of use described herein. The visitors/users of the Website must comply with the rules and provisions of Greek, European and International Law and the relevant legislation governing telecommunications and refrain from any illegal and abusive behaviour during the visit/use of the Website and in relation to it. The visit/use of the website must be exclusively for legitimate purposes and in a manner that does not restrict or prevent the visit/use of the website by third parties. The User is obliged to use the Website in accordance with the law, morality and these terms and not to perform any acts or omissions that may cause damage or malfunction to the Website, affect or endanger the provision of services through the Website. The visitor/user shall be liable and undertakes to compensate any damage caused to the Company and/or the Website by illegal or unfair use of the Website and the services offered through it, or use of the Website and the services offered through it contrary to morality and these terms.




The content of the Website and the services provided through it are provided "as is" and the Company does not provide any warranty, express or implied, regarding the completeness, accuracy, timeliness, merchantability, non-infringement or fitness for purpose of the services provided on the Website. of its content for any use, application or purpose. The Company shall take all reasonable and reasonably expected measures to ensure that the data, information and audiovisual material constituting the content of the Website are complete, accurate and reliable. However, the Company cannot guarantee the correctness, completeness, accuracy and reliability of the aforementioned data and is not liable to the visitor/user or third parties for any damage due to their incorrect, inaccurate or inadequate nature. The Company makes every possible effort, within the framework of technological control, in order for the services and contents of the Website to be provided without interruption and without interruption. However, the Company shall not be liable in the event that for any reason, including negligence, the operation of the Website is interrupted or access to it becomes difficult and/or impossible, or if, despite the security measures observed, "viruses" or other harmful software are detected and transmitted to the terminals of visitors/users, or if unauthorized third parties ("hackers") interfere with the content and operation of the Website, making it difficult to use it or PUBLIC USE Privacy Policy causing problems in its proper functioning. Also, the Company is not responsible for the temporary unavailability of the Website, for the interruption of any or all of its functions or for any malfunction or technical issues that may occur. The Company, under any circumstances, including in case of negligence, shall not be liable to the user or any third party for any form of damage, direct or indirect, related in any way to the use of the Website, the navigation on it and the use of the services or information contained therein. Each visitor/user must take all appropriate security measures (e.g. anti-virus programs) before any "loading" from the Website. The cost of any corrections or repairs is borne by the visitor/user and in no case by the Company.





"S&K CONSULTING GROUP MON. IKE" does not control the availability, content, privacy policy, quality and completeness of the services of other websites and pages to which it may refer through "hyperlinks". Therefore, for any problem that may arise during the visit/use, you should address directly to the respective websites and pages, which are responsible for the provision of their services. The company shall under no circumstances be deemed to endorse or accept the content or services of the websites and pages to which it links or to be associated with them in any other way.






The use of the website (hereinafter "the website"), which is managed by the consultancy firm "S&K CONSULTING GROUP MON. IKE", based in Piraeus (81 Akti Miaouli 81), is subject to the terms of use and to this PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION STATEMENT - SECURITY AND PRIVACY POLICY (hereinafter "Statement or Policy"), which is part of the terms of use.


The Company respects the privacy of each user of the Website. It summarizes the information that "S&K CONSULTING GROUP MON. IKE" may collect and how it may use it, as well as information about the actions that the Website user must take if he/she does not want his/her personal information to be collected or further processed during his/her visit to the Website.


These privacy terms may be reviewed and updated at any time and without notice. Users are requested to check these terms periodically for any changes, as continued use of the website implies acceptance of all possible modifications to these terms.



The user may currently visit the entire website and its individual subpages without revealing his/her identity and without providing any personal data. However, in the future there may be certain areas of the website, access to which will require the user to register in order to obtain a password and/or to collect personal data of the user for specific purposes as set out herein.


"S&K CONSULTING GROUP MON. IKE" may in the future keep a record and process any user data (e.g. name, address, telephone number, email address) (hereinafter "personal data"), which will come to its knowledge through the Website. "S&K CONSULTING GROUP MON. IKE" will collect personal data of users only when they voluntarily provide it themselves for the purpose of providing access to the aforementioned applications or services that will be available through the Website.


The registration of the user's data when registering on the website for the provision of services through it, will imply his/her consent to the collection, use and transmission of his/her personal data under the terms of this privacy policy. The user will, however, be further specifically and explicitly invited to give his/her consent to this effect by accepting this before completing the registration process.


In particular, the user will accept and consent that the company, under the terms of the provisions of Law 2472/1997 as amended by Law 3471/2006 and in force, will keep on file and process the user's personal data collected through the website, for the purpose of the user's access to the electronic applications provided, the service, support and execution of the contract between the user and "S&K CONSULTING GROUP MON. IKE", for statistical or historical purposes as well as for general purposes of promoting DPD products and services with the specific consent of the user.


In addition, the user will expressly give his/her consent to "S&K CONSULTING GROUP MON. IKE" to send him/her information about products and services by any means of electronic communication, unless he/she explicitly chooses not to receive updates. In any case, the user may at any time wish to object to the use of his/her e-mail or other data to receive information on new products and/or services by sending a message to the following e-mail address or by selecting the corresponding field (see "unsubscribe" or "do not wish to receive updates") in the mailing message received.


The user at any time will retain the right to inform, access or object to further processing of his/her Personal Data in accordance with Articles 11, 12 and 13 of Law 2472/97 on the protection of personal data. In order to exercise his/her rights, each user may contact "S&K CONSULTING GROUP MON. IKE" at the following e-mail address or contact the DIRECTORATE at 81 Akti Miaouli 81, TELEPHONE 215 7777 100.


Unless expressly required by the Law and/or the Competent Authorities, "S&K CONSULTING GROUP MON. IKE" will not otherwise proceed to the disclosure, disclosure, transmission, dissemination or any other form of disposal of any information provided by the user without the user's consent.


In the event that users of the "S&K CONSULTING GROUP MON. IKE" website are directed to third party websites through special links (links, hyperlinks, banners), "S&K CONSULTING GROUP MON. IKE" is not responsible for the terms of management and protection of personal data that they follow.


Statistical browsing information.

In some cases, technical information that is not personally identifiable may be collected automatically (e.g., not through registration) when a user visits or uses the Website. Examples of this type of information that may be collected include the type of Internet Browser used by the user, the type of computer operating system used by the user to visit the Site, and the domain name of the website used by the user to connect to the Site.




Cookies are data files that are transferred from a web server to the computer of the person visiting the Site for the purpose of keeping statistics. Cookies are an industry standard, are used by most web sites and make it easier for users to repeatedly access and use a particular web site. Cookies are not harmful to your computer system or your files, and only the website from which a particular cookie is transferred to your computer has the ability to read, modify or delete it. If you do not wish to have information collected through cookies, you can use the settings available in most web browsers, which allow you to delete existing cookies and choose to either automatically reject future cookies or decide whether to reject or accept each specific cookie on your computer. It should be noted, however, that rejecting cookies may result in making it more difficult or impossible to use certain parts of the site.




The present terms and conditions, any modification thereof and the use of the Website are governed by Greek Law. For any dispute that may arise from the use of the Website, the courts of the city of Piraeus shall have jurisdiction.

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